
Monday, January 26, 2015

January Check In | AprilShowers

Hey guys! It's been maybe 23 days since I last posted! I just wanted to tell you guys that I am still trying to keep up with my New Year's resolutions. 

So far, I've posted twice this month (not too bad for my schedule). I can get better grades though. I think I am improving more on sports, at least it feels like it compared to last season. I actually am trying to use more of my "unwanted" makeup (I can do a blogpost on makeup that I regret buying or a project tin pan). Now for rest, I haven't been getting the amount that I should get as a teenager... I never promised to make YouTube videos lol. I haven't really been writing things down in a journal, but sometimes I'll type it on my computer if I think of something 'good' so I think it's a start. As for smiling more, lately this month hasn't been as great as I hoped, so I will be praying that February is different (: 

Where have I been lately? School and sports. Those come first on my list right now (no offense!) 

What have I been doing lately? Mainly staying up until early in the morning. Procrastination IS really bad. Please try to avoid it as much you can! 

What plans do I have? Honestly I'm not sure yet, I've been trying to get more organized. We'll just see if it works lol.!a.    

Anyways, how have you guys been? It's been a while since I have blogged, so maybe leave some of your funniest stories of January in the comments section down below? 

                                                   - A.J.  

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