
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Inner Happiness | AprilShowers

Hey guys! I know today's post may seem depressing, but I was just having a bad day, and I thought maybe I can help some of you out there (Wow, this sentence does not make sense, but I'll just roll with it).

So lately, I've been feeling a little depressed. I'm not the only one who notices it, some of my friends do too. Now I wouldn't say I'm typically a happy-go-lucky type of girl, but when my friends start to constantly ask me what's wrong, then it's probably not a good thing. The only problem is, I don't know the real reason why I'm sad (I blame the teenage hormones lol).

Later on, when I was evaluating life (cuz I soooo have the time to do this *note the sarcasm*) I realized that everything's changing. Friendships are shifting. New people are walking into my life, some are walking out. Others are unfortunately staying... And I didn't like all of this. I realized that I craved to go back in time and relive some of my favorite memories. I wanted to go back to a "simpler" time, before my life started to feel so complicated. And as the quote says, "Loneliness is not about how many friends you have, it's about feeling disconnected from the rest of the world." Well that's how I felt, I couldn't just stop and rewind time whenever I felt like it. I had to face the present. Trying to live in a world no matter how much you don't want to really disconnects a person. While you're wallowing in your own sorrows makes you forget how to live.

I know that trying to pull yourself out of a depressed state is difficult (I know, I've tried), it doesn't always hurt to focus on one good thing about your day, no matter how little it is. In order to attain happiness, one does not need to always have better things or more friends, one must find happiness in oneself.

Again, sorry if today's post is a little depressing, but I just had to get this out of my chest. Anyways, thanks for reading guys! Hopefully I'll have a happier post next time (:

- A.J.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

20 Random Questions Tag | AprilShowers

 Hey Guys! I'm back with another post (: I decided to do the 20 Random Question Tag so hopefully I can give you guys an insight of me as a person (That sounds kind of creepy...) Anyways, enjoy!
- April
1. Thing you cant leave the house without.
  - I'm ashamed to admit it, but ever since I got a phone, I've NEVER left the house without it...

2. Favorite brand of makeup
  - This is hard lol. I don't have a lot of makeup, but I still like to check out reviews to see what's good and what's not (yes, I'm weird like that lol). But if I had to say, my favorite high end is Burberry and low end would be Revlon, but the brand I want to try more products are probably either Lancome, Chanel, or Bobbi Brown. 

3. Favorite flowers.
  - I don't really have any favorite flowers? But I do think carnations are pretty lol.

4. Favorite clothing store
  - NORDSTROM! (Can you tell it's my favorite? lol)

5. Favorite perfume
  - I tend to switch perfumes whenever I feel like it, but right now I've been using my Burberry The Weekend perfume more

6. Heels or flats
  - Although I love how heels look, they're painful (that and I'm still sixteen, so I don't really have anywhere to wear heels to). So I guess I'll go with flats.

7. Do you make good grades
  - I would like to think so lol. I try my hardest (every student's response). 

8. Favorite colors
  - I like black, grey, and blue (basically the only colors I wear). 

9. Do you drink energy drinks
  - Yes, I have to drink Gatorade for the electrolytes to help keep me hydrated for sports.

10. Do you drink juice
  - I'm not ashamed to say, Capri Sun IS life...

11. Do you like swimming
  - When I was five my cousins (they were like 30 then) tried to teach me how to swim so they put me in the ocean (wearing a life vest/floatie) and they surrounded me to make sure I don't get away (I have no idea what that was for). I kept sinking even with the life vest on... So ever since then I've been terrified. But my freshman year of high school it was required to take swim for pe, so I sort of overcame my fear. I still can't float though. 

12. Do you eat fries with a fork
  - When I'm eating regular fries no, but when I'm eating Carne Asada fries, then mostly lol.

13. Whats your favorite moisturizer
  - For face moisturizer I use the Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion +

14. Do you want to get married later on in life
  - Yeah, someday lol

15. Do you get mad easily
  - Oh yeah... In third grade my friend once told me I had anger issues, she was right 

16. Are you into ghost hunting
  - Oh no... I get so freaked out easily. I went to Haunted Trails recently and I had to hold my friend's hand the whole time lol. 

17. Any phobias
  - Not that I can think of? I only have some fears, but I'm not deathly afraid of them

18. Do you bite your nails
  - I used to, but ever since I got braces I stopped because I couldn't bite them anymore.

19. Have you ever had a near death experience
  - Plenty, they mostly involve cars though. I've almost gotten hit by cars and I don't have a license nor a permit. 

20. Do you drink coffee
  - I'm going to channel my inner girl, yes, I occasionally drink Starbucks, except I don't like the taste of hot coffee. I only drink frappuccinos.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A New Beginning | AprilShowers

Hey guys!

I know I haven't posted something in over a year, and I deleted all the posts that I previously had. But I'm back!!! Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? I'm not sure lol.

Hopefully I will continue with my blogging. I know in my last post (some of you may or may not remember, but I stated that I was going to keep posting no matter what. That didn't go so well...) I stated that I was going to continue posting articles blog some more, blah blah blah. I am deeply sorry for not keeping up with my promise. But this time, I will actually try to blog more.

Sorry for such a short post (and to my new page viewers/followers, please disregard this blog post and HIIII lol). And to the followers that stuck with me through the beginning, thank you for being there!

P.S. I know my website may or may not look odd/weird. I'm still constructing parts of it. Sorry for the inconvenience! 

- A.J.